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EDU 5550 — Teaching Reading and Writing Skills to English Language Learners

April 29, 2024

Teaching Reading and Writing Skills to English Language Learners (four credits) students will gain an understanding of the relevant theories and practices for developing full literacy in English that is consistent with the kindergarten-grade six standards in the ELA Curriculum Framework. Reading instruction includes skills and strategies for success with phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Students will learn the best practices for teaching these dimensions of reading. They will also learn multiple approaches to teaching formal writing. In both areas, strategies to teach these skills to ELLs will be addressed. Attention will also be given to the study of grammar and the uses of English which are often difficult for ELLs. The course will include formal and informal measures for assessing ELLs’ reading comprehension and writing in narrative and informational genres. Field experience may be required.