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Students study at tables beneath the intricate dome of the library.
Massachusetts schools not only rank among the best in the U.S. but the students they produce rank among the brightest in the world. The state attracts some of the most qualified teachers in the country who admire the state’s commitment to education, higher salaries, and many job opportunities. A Massachusetts teacher enjoys an attractive job […]
A young child wearing an adult's glasses sits on a stack of books with one open on her lap.
It’s widely known that early education plays a critical role in how students perform in their later school years. Understanding just how crucial these early education years are is important. According to The Annie E. Casey Foundation, the annual average learning gain for students in kindergarten through second grade is higher than at any time […]
More than many other professionals, teachers throw every part of themselves into their careers. It takes all that energy and focus to be the best they can be in the classroom. That’s why the winter break provides a welcome chance to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. For some teachers that […]
A closeup of one hand holding a coffee mug while the other hand holds an open book.
The winter break gives teachers the chance to get away from the classroom and rejuvenate before the second half of the year. Teachers: check out these holiday break ideas to help you make the most of your time off.  Hit the Road  Nobel Prize-winning author Andre Gide wrote that “One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to […]
A row of bust sculptures line the wall of the Merrimack College library.
Are you a Massachusetts teacher looking to further your career by earning a master’s degree? If so, you may be considering online master’s degree courses. It makes sense. Where once time and money were barriers to earning a graduate degree, teachers can now build their coursework schedule in an online degree program around their busy professional and personal […]
Two data scientists examine panels of a control room.
Data Scientists are often described in terms of hard skills such as math and statistics and the use of a numbers-based approach that requires every decision to be backed by data. But hard skills are only part of the picture of what a data scientist does, and the skills they need to achieve success. Unlike engineers in decades past, data […]
Hand touches digital screen with 'ROI' and financial icons, indicating investment analysis.
Technological innovation is often what inspires people to pursue a career in business analytics. That’s understandable. It’s a constantly evolving, fascinating field with the potential to revolutionize how organizations are run. But there’s another side to business analytics that may not seem as exiting on the surface, but is just as important, if not more. […]
A blue piggy bank sits on a table with the glow of colored lights on a Christmas tree in the background.
When it comes to holiday shopping, Americans continue to increase their spending. Since 2002, shoppers in the United States have spent more in the current year than in the last. The lone exception was 2008 – it took a recession to knock down holiday spending by 4.7%. However, it went up again in 2009 and […]
A closeup of hands using a tablet with line graphs, bar charts, and other data related drawings above the screen.
If you are interested in pursuing a graduate-level degree in data science or business analytics, it’s beneficial to be aware of emerging big data trends. For those working in data science and business analytics, demonstrate value is a key phrase to pay attention to. Almost all expert predictions for emerging trends in big data revolve around this […]
A closeup of hands holding a tablet displaying information about order pickup times.
Supply chains generate enormous amounts of data. Innovative companies like Amazon have been trailblazers in turning that data into actionable insights. The Seattle-based company provides perhaps the best-known example of what data-driven online retailers can accomplish. The company’s innovations in supply chain have led other businesses to make changes to keep pace. This creates healthy […]