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Why Is It Good to be a Massachusetts Teacher?

December 31, 2018

Massachusetts schools not only rank among the best in the U.S. but the students they produce rank among the brightest in the world. The state attracts some of the most qualified teachers in the country who admire the state’s commitment to education, higher salaries, and many job opportunities.

A Massachusetts teacher enjoys an attractive job environment. Professional educators who earn a master’s degree in education are prepared to become certified teachers in Massachusetts and have the skills to earn the top teaching jobs in a state with a wealth of opportunity.

State Committed to Education

The Massachusetts public school system is seen as the best system in the United States, according to The Atlantic. Part of the reason is the state’s attitude toward education, which was summarized by former state education secretary Paul Reville when he said, “Doing well is not good enough.”

The state faces the same challenges faced in other states. Economically disadvantaged areas, for example, or the challenge of preparing students for further education. But the state has responded to these challenges, and it shows in students’ test scores and the system’s rankings.

Online job site Monster ranks the Massachusetts school system as No. 1 in the U.S. and also ranks it among the top states for “outstanding academic and work environment.”

Global Recognition

Massachusetts also ranks above the vast majority of countries around the world in offering a top-notch education.

Every three years, the Program for International Student Assessment is conducted worldwide to evaluate student skills. In the most recent test results, released in 2016, Massachusetts ranked behind only one country in science scores: Singapore.

Only a handful of countries had students who scored on par with those from Massachusetts, who were 15 at the time of the test. They included Japan, Canada, Hong Kong, Finland, and Korea. The state is ahead of scores from every other country, including the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Sweden, and the United States.

And no country in the world scored higher than Massachusetts students in reading.

Salary and Job Growth

A good salary is another attraction for Massachusetts teachers. The pay typically exceeds the national average at all levels of teaching. The following are the mean average salaries for teachers in Massachusetts, according to information from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

  • $76,170 (high school), national mean pay is $62,860
  • $74,400 (middle school) national mean pay is $61,040
  • $76,590 (elementary school), national mean pay is $60,830
  • $71,790 (kindergarten), national mean pay is $57,110

As for growth, numbers from the BLS-powered Projections Central call for the following growth numbers for Massachusetts teachers in the above four areas of teaching by 2026.

  • 11.2% (high school teachers)
  • 11.2% (middle school)
  • 11.1% (elementary school teachers)
  • 11% (kindergarten)

Keep in mind that the national average for all job growth by 2026 is 7%.

Clearly, Massachusetts teachers experience, a good system to work in, great pay, and plenty of job opportunities. For those set on getting the best teaching jobs in the profession, a master’s degree in education can prove a key step in achieving that goal.