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One in five new teachers earn a master’s degree in education before entering the classroom. In Massachusetts, it’s a needed step to earn a professional license as a teacher. Massachusetts has a structured, tiered system for teachers that has helped make the state one of the leaders in education across the country. It’s also created […]
A classroom full of elementary school students raising their hands as the teacher stands at the front of the classroom.
Teachers work in a challenging but deeply rewarding field. Faced with the task of improving the minds of students from kindergarten through college, educators have arguably the biggest impact on the lives of most people. Unfortunately, many teachers in the United States feel both overworked and underpaid. Fortunately, that’s not typically the case for those […]
The Merrimack Institute for New Teacher Support (M.I.N.T.S.) and the Competency-Based Online Teacher Education Graduate Program was proud to have hosted this day-long symposium featuring profiles in professional practice, highlighting educators’ journeys and advice through a variety of disciplines in the field of education. This event provided an opportunity for the local education community to […]
A man sits at a desk and works on his laptop.
They don’t write songs or make movies or television shows around business analysts – unless you count “Moneyball” (which most business analyst majors do). That movie makes clear what all students in master’s degree programs in business analytics already know: decisions based on facts lifted from data – not emotions and intuition – lead to better results. […]
A student in profile studies a computer screen that displays global data.
For the past few decades, most people have associated innovation in technology with Silicon Valley. But the area that started the first wave in the digital revolution in the United States has positioned itself to continue leading well into the future. Boston and the surrounding areas of Massachusetts have led in technology since the 1950s. […]
A group of teal dots against a black background, arranged in the shape of a basketball player.
Theo Epstein’s success with the Boston Red Sox and Chicago Cubs brought the possibilities of data analytics to the attention of millions of baseball fans. Then came the movie “Moneyball” starring Brad Pitt, which made the role of analytics in sports even more widespread. Suddenly, ESPN was producing rankings of teams based on use of analytics and […]
A graphic of a self-driving vehicle with concentric circles radiating out from its center to create a boundary between the other cars and pedestrians.
For those with even a passing interest in artificial intelligence, machine learning, Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT), the idea of self-driving cars has become a fascination. Certainly, for those planning on earning a master’s degree in data science, the topic is one of particular interest. But for many people, self-driving cars remain something […]
A closeup of interviewees in professional attire sitting in chairs.
The foremost business analytics skills that any analyst needs are, of course, an ability to analysis, interpret and model data. Those who graduate with a master’s degree in business will have learned those skills by the time they earn their degree. But the need for expertise goes beyond analyzing data and extrapolating actionable information from large datasets. […]
A Houston Astros baseball player stands at bat.
The debate is over. Or, at least, it should be. It ended on the night of Nov. 1, 2017, when the Houston Astros beat the Los Angeles Dodgers 5-1, claiming the team’s first ever championship. Importantly, especially for those with an interest in data analytics for baseball, the Astros’ victory also marked the second year […]
A group of colleagues sit in a conference room with an overlay of a line graph in the foreground.
With the explosion in the use of data-driven strategies in organizations across every industry, it’s little wonder so many want to get into a data-related field. Of course, it’s important to know exactly which data-related field you want. Many people, including those who want to get into the industry, confuse business analyst with data scientist […]