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Teacher Education

A professor speaks to a group of adult students in a classroom.
July 7, 2023
Modern classrooms require teachers to equip students with strong academic knowledge and skills to navigate life’s complexities. Social emotional learning (SEL) is a way to teach students those essential skills, including empathy development, maintaining positive personal relationships, and the importance of self-awareness. Effective implementation of social emotional learning requires SEL training for teachers. Toward that […]
A teacher stands in the front of a classroom and smiles at a student who has her hand raised.
March 20, 2023
The best teachers share the same qualities as great leaders: clear communication, adaptability, patience, and acting as role models. Perhaps above all, great teachers love learning and are dedicated to classroom strategies that engage and inspire their students. For educators committed to earning a graduate degree in education, it can seem daunting to serve in such […]
A teacher helps two students with an assignment.
March 17, 2023
None of the many factors influencing student outcomes in U.S. classrooms are as crucial as teachers. Demand for highly qualified teachers makes this an exciting time in the teaching profession. Educators with the proper training play a critical role in student success in the short and long term. The influence of well-trained teachers highlights the […]
One adult with a clipboard speaks to a parent and a teenager sitting on a couch.
March 9, 2023
The growing need nationwide for those with expertise in child and family studies has led to a rapid expansion in the number of jobs available for college graduates. Working adults who complete their bachelor’s degree specializing in this critical field enjoy various career options. Those careers span many work environments, including child care services, nursing […]
A person's hand casting a ballot with the word 'VOTE' in red letters into a clear ballot box, symbolizing participation in an election.
January 19, 2023
On November 8th, Massachusetts voters will decide on Ballot initiative 2. If approved the decision will let state education officials expand or open up to 12 new schools a year. It will also eliminate the current cap of 120 schools statewide. Passing this initiative could double the number of existing charter schools in as little […]
A smiling teacher crouches beside two students working on tablets.
November 3, 2022
Across the state of Massachusetts, teachers provide a significant impact on formal education, with quality instruction being a crucial component to student learning. Teacher knowledge, practice and instruction methodology can have considerable influence on how students learn and progress in their studies. As a first source of information – and with a significant amount of […]
A teacher reads a book to a classroom of young children.
September 30, 2022
Decades of research has shown the importance of early childhood education in a student’s academic skill development. Children in high-quality kindergarten through Grade 2 programs have an increased level of preparedness for later learning and reap the benefits well into their adult years. The essential nature of a good kindergarten program in a child’s development […]
A teacher points to a classroom full of students with their hands raised.
September 28, 2022
Successful leadership in education starts by working directly with students in the classroom. Teachers accumulate years of experience and knowledge on effective educational strategies, tools, and techniques. With this experience, many educators increase their impact when they move into more broadly influential roles within their schools or school districts. Some eventually leave the classroom for administrative positions, […]
A teacher smiles at a student who has her hand raised in a classroom.
September 26, 2022
A career change to teaching is an attractive option for professionals who feel uninspired by their original career choice. One reason is that teaching is a gratifying profession making a positive impact on the lives of others. Many who start in non-teaching careers often feel the pull toward education after getting a taste of teaching […]
A woman wearing glasses works on a laptop.
July 18, 2022
All college students face physical and mental wellness challenges, especially in their first year or during those stressful stretches leading to midterms or final exams. Online adult college students must manage those same challenges and some unique issues specific to a remote learning environment. Fortunately, no student needs to manage these challenges on their own. […]