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Teacher Education

A man wearing a cap and gown and holding a diploma waves at a laptop screen.
July 18, 2022
Completing a bachelor’s degree opens the door to promotions, better pay, and smoother career transitions. The emergence of online bachelor’s degree programs makes the process even more accessible, with working adults benefiting from the flexibility an online program offers. Merrimack College’s Pathways Bachelor Degree Completion program offers the benefits of an online program designed with […]
A teacher smiles at a student working on a laptop.
May 27, 2022
Most teachers do not enter their profession with salary as a top consideration, but it certainly influences the jobs they pursue. Teachers in Massachusetts enjoy the benefits of the state ranking high among the top paying states for teachers. It’s no coincidence that the state also ranks in the top 10 states for teachers based on student-to-teacher […]
A teacher and a group of young students sit on the floor in a circle.
April 15, 2022
Classrooms bring together students with a variety of backgrounds and learning abilities. Part of success as an educator involves devising effective teaching strategies that allow them to meet the needs of every individual student in the classroom. Experienced teachers know that there’s no all-encompassing, universal solution for every child. Rather, teachers must familiarize themselves with […]
A teacher and several students wear VR headsets in a technology classroom.
April 13, 2022
Most educational trends in 2022 revolve around advanced technology tools that empower teachers and give students increased agency in their education. These tools, designed to engage with a generation raised with smartphones and the internet, transform how teachers approach classroom work. The trend toward integrating technology into the classroom started before 2020 but accelerated during […]
A museum guide speaks to a group of students in front of an exhibit.
April 8, 2022
Teachers in Massachusetts benefit from a state offering a mix of historical and cultural experiences. This variety provides many field trip options for their students. In addition to unique environments and experiences, many of these Massachusetts field trip sites offer programs that meet state education standards and curriculum frameworks. That’s not a surprise for Massachusetts, […]
A closeup shot of hands using a calculator and holding a piece of paper with a graduation cap on it.
March 11, 2022
The commitment to earn a college education ranks among the most impactful life choices a person will make. Many may feel overwhelmed with the financial aspect of attending college, but they have multiple options available to reduce costs. The following methods for finding college financial support apply to students fresh out of high school and […]
A teacher and a group of students stand around a table with a map of Asia and several countries' flags on it.
February 8, 2022
Individuals who take on leadership roles in education play a critical role in building better, more equitable education systems. Both classroom teachers and school administrators provide this leadership, impacting student lives in different but equally important ways. Professionals motivated to transform communities through better education systems can spark that change. Insightful leaders help create stronger […]
A teacher leans over the desk of two students who are working on tablets.
January 3, 2022
There is more than one pathway to a successful career as a teacher. Two of the most popular are the Master of Education (MED) and Master of Art in Teaching (MAT) graduate degrees. While both prepare graduates for an educational career, they typically focus on different aspects of the teaching profession. Generally speaking, MAT students […]
An education professional presents to a room of adults.
December 27, 2021
A master’s degree in education gives teachers more versatility in their skills and more career options. Many put the skills they learn to use in the classroom, but others move into education jobs such as designing curriculum and taking education leadership roles. Jobs for those holding a master’s degree in education range from school superintendents […]
A teacher sits on the floor in a circle with a group of young students.
September 21, 2021
For teachers, education is as much a calling as it is a career. That’s especially apparent for those who decide to teach in low-income schools. While they face many challenges, these teachers have the invaluable experience of seeing firsthand how education powerfully impacts students’ lives. Some school districts now offer special incentives to attract educators […]