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Data Science Resources: Dr. Banasiewicz Shares his Expertise

April 28, 2020

Insights from the Girard School of Business and the School of Science and Engineering

There seems no end to the expanding breadth and depth of data. But the promise of big data is only as good as the tools and resources we have to understand and make use of it.

As Dr. Andrew Banasiewicz, Director of Data Science & Analytics Programs at Merrimack College writes in a LinkedIn article titled Higher Learning in the Age of Data :  

 “The relatively recent proliferation of data-driven interconnected intelligent networks, widely taken to signal the fourth Industrial Revolution, gave rise to data science as a new and distinct field of academic training, yet another point adding to the trend of ‘vocationalization’ of higher education.”

If our digital, networked age has ushered in the “fourth Industrial Revolution,” then data is as steam was to the first industrial revolution. Without properly harnessing it we will not fully benefit from its potential.

Dr. Banasiewicz brings to the Merrimack data science program decades of research, years of teaching experience, and an array of resources. With access to such a wealth of expertise, students at Merrimack can lay down a strong data science foundation on which to build successful careers in a data-driven world.

A Leader in the Field

As a scholar, researcher, author, educator, and founder of Erudite Analytics, Dr. Banasiewicz is an excellent resource for students of data science.

An international guest lecturer and instructor, Dr. Banasiewicz possesses a broad range of experience communicating a complex topic to a diverse global audience. In his prior role as Associate Professor of Practice at Boston College, he developed courses on risk management, analytics, and statistics.

Now, as Director of Data Science & Analytics at Merrimack College, Dr. Banasiewicz oversees and designs curriculum, manages faculty, and provides students with a depth and breadth of knowledge gleaned from decades of experience in both academia and industry.

Data Science Resources

The comprehensive array of knowledge stemming from Dr. Banasiewicz’s accomplished career encompasses a wealth of experience.

Here we highlight just a few of the insights published by Dr.Banasiewicz and the faculty of Merrimack’s data science program:

As Dr. Banasiewicz suggests, we are in a new industrial revolution – one powered by data. Using the above list of resources, any student can get a head start on their data science education. Students at Merrimack College also benefit from having Dr. Banasiewicz and his team as mentors in the field as they become leaders in the fourth industrial revolution.