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A teacher smiles at a student working on a laptop.
Most teachers do not enter their profession with salary as a top consideration, but it certainly influences the jobs they pursue. Teachers in Massachusetts enjoy the benefits of the state ranking high among the top paying states for teachers. It’s no coincidence that the state also ranks in the top 10 states for teachers based on student-to-teacher […]
A woman wearing glasses studies a graph on her desktop monitor.
Product management methodologies provide a framework to plan, structure, and control the process of developing new products that meet customer needs. Understanding these methodologies is key to a successful product manager career. They help product managers navigate the complex, multi-dimensional product management process. They also provide the favorable results that business leaders expect when investing in […]
Three professionals at a wooden table with notebooks and coffee cups listen to someone off screen.
Product management is an evolving career field within engineering management. Steeped in Agile and Lean methodologies, product managers can quickly learn the tools and techniques that support the efficient development of new products. However, it’s also crucial to understand the principles of product management that lead to success. Product management is a career that continues […]
A teacher and a group of young students sit on the floor in a circle.
Classrooms bring together students with a variety of backgrounds and learning abilities. Part of success as an educator involves devising effective teaching strategies that allow them to meet the needs of every individual student in the classroom. Experienced teachers know that there’s no all-encompassing, universal solution for every child. Rather, teachers must familiarize themselves with […]
A group of young children sit on the carpet of a classroom.
Schools that reflect the diverse population of the communities around them provide a great benefit to students both now and in the future. Diversity in the classroom leads to stronger empathy, self-confidence, and feelings of self-worth, and greater collaboration skills. For teachers, the goal is to maximize the possibilities of a diverse classroom. By creating […]
A teacher and several students wear VR headsets in a technology classroom.
Most educational trends in 2022 revolve around advanced technology tools that empower teachers and give students increased agency in their education. These tools, designed to engage with a generation raised with smartphones and the internet, transform how teachers approach classroom work. The trend toward integrating technology into the classroom started before 2020 but accelerated during […]
A museum guide speaks to a group of students in front of an exhibit.
Teachers in Massachusetts benefit from a state offering a mix of historical and cultural experiences. This variety provides many field trip options for their students. In addition to unique environments and experiences, many of these Massachusetts field trip sites offer programs that meet state education standards and curriculum frameworks. That’s not a surprise for Massachusetts, […]
A man in a suit holds between his hands a digital graphic of the earth with leaves, solar panels, and windmills.
Profit is the motivating force behind any business. Indeed, without profit, a company’s longevity is in serious doubt. But corporate sustainability–in every sense of the word–is about more than quarterly earnings. In a complex world facing “wicked problems,” corporate responsibility, recognizing its social license to operate, is arguably just as important, if not more so. […]
A woman stands and speaks to a group of colleagues.
The challenges of middle management are nothing new, but that doesn’t make it any less difficult for the middle manager involved. The nature of the job requires deftly crossing and recrossing the line that separates leaders from followers, transitioning between leading employees and answering to senior-level leadership. The Harvard Business Review refers to the middle manager’s role […]
A woman sits at a desk and works on her computer.
A fine table requires the right tools to build. So it is with the hardware and software products we use and depend on every day. Like woodworkers’ tools used to produce fine furniture, product management tools allow talented product managers to build products that enhance and sometimes even save lives.  Successful product development is a complex, multi-dimensional […]