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News & Insights

A man wearing glasses writes in a notebook beside an open laptop.
March 7, 2023
The decision to transition to a new career is a difficult one to make. Even those dissatisfied in their current job may resist making a change out of concern it will prove too difficult. Fortunately, modern college degree programs make a career transition much less complicated than in the past. Online learning has changed the […]
A man wearing glasses writes the words Design Thinking on a transparent screen.
March 2, 2023
Understanding design thinking is a critical component in successful product development and management. Design thinking puts people first, helping product managers and teams incorporate the end user’s needs throughout the product development cycle. Many well-known tech companies, including Google and Apple, use design thinking. However, the concepts involved with design thinking are used across many […]
A group of professionals gather around a table discussing information on the paperwork they're studying.
March 1, 2023
Not all graduate students in a Master of Education program have a classroom in mind as their final career destination. The skills and knowledge gained in an M.Ed. program can open the door to many different careers for educators ready to take their next career steps beyond the classroom. What can you do with a […]
A closeup of hands typing on a laptop with an overlay of healthcare-related icons in the foreground.
February 14, 2023
In the digital age, product management is the organizing principle for bringing quality, user-focused products to market. In no industry is a well-defined and executed product development framework more critical than in life sciences.   Product manager jobs in life sciences oblige a unique multidisciplinary skill set and knowledge base. This expertise reflects the unique human impact, regulatory complexity, and […]
A digital rendering of a city skyline with an overlay of connected lines and dots in the foreground.
January 23, 2023
Merrimack College offers 100% Online Data Science, Business Analytics, and Computer Science programs that are built with you in mind. Our approach is industry-aligned so you will be ready to advance your career or confidently seek a new professional direction. We have consulted industry leaders in the design of our advanced degrees and courses are […]
A man stands with his hands on his hips looking at a curved screen with data science icons on it.
January 19, 2023
We live in transformative times. While many define this as the digital age, the intersection of data science and product management suggests a new paradigm: the Age of Insight. In a  World Economic Forum article, Antonio Neri, President and CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, argues that the COVID-19 pandemic was a catalyst for rapid change and the potential […]
A person's hand casting a ballot with the word 'VOTE' in red letters into a clear ballot box, symbolizing participation in an election.
January 19, 2023
On November 8th, Massachusetts voters will decide on Ballot initiative 2. If approved the decision will let state education officials expand or open up to 12 new schools a year. It will also eliminate the current cap of 120 schools statewide. Passing this initiative could double the number of existing charter schools in as little […]
Two product management professionals study a computer screen that is using artifical intelligence to help solve a problem.
January 17, 2023
AI-driven technology continues to expand in all business sectors, allowing faster and more insightful data analysis on internal processes, product development, and customer behaviors and preferences. AI is increasingly useful for product managers when applied to product development teams and continuous process improvement. The adoption of AI is accelerating. A recent McKinsey & Co. “State […]
A smiling teacher crouches beside two students working on tablets.
November 3, 2022
Across the state of Massachusetts, teachers provide a significant impact on formal education, with quality instruction being a crucial component to student learning. Teacher knowledge, practice and instruction methodology can have considerable influence on how students learn and progress in their studies. As a first source of information – and with a significant amount of […]
A teacher reads a book to a classroom of young children.
September 30, 2022
Decades of research has shown the importance of early childhood education in a student’s academic skill development. Children in high-quality kindergarten through Grade 2 programs have an increased level of preparedness for later learning and reap the benefits well into their adult years. The essential nature of a good kindergarten program in a child’s development […]