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Alternative Jobs With a Master’s Degree in Education

December 27, 2021

A master’s degree in education gives teachers more versatility in their skills and more career options. Many put the skills they learn to use in the classroom, but others move into education jobs such as designing curriculum and taking education leadership roles.

Jobs for those holding a master’s degree in education range from school superintendents and principals to curriculum designers and instructional coordinators. They offer an alternative career path for teachers who finish graduate school ready to work in areas of education beyond the classroom.

Merrimack College’s Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction program prepares motivated professionals seeking education careers outside the classroom.

Master’s Degree in Education Jobs

Earning a master’s degree in education provides students with the skills to excel in education jobs inside and outside the classroom. They may even qualify for jobs outside of traditional education altogether, such as working as a corporate trainer.

Whatever path students choose, they also likely will earn a higher annual salary. Educators with a graduate degree and expertise in the challenges facing today’s students are in high demand. For example, the National Center for Education Statistics reports the average teacher salary in the United States for someone with a master’s degree and ten years of experience is $61,250, while those with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $48,650.

The jobs site Indeed lists various master’s degree in education jobs for which graduates can expect to qualify. Salary figures are from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics unless otherwise noted.

Instructional Coordinators

In this field, educators create curriculum and teaching standards for school districts designed to improve student outcomes. They work closely with school administrators and teachers to create more effective teaching techniques. Instructional coordinators make an average salary of $70,160 ($76,600 in Massachusetts).

School Principals

Principals are the top official at a school, managing the staff, setting school goals, and overseeing the school budget. Many principals started in education as teachers. School principals make an average salary of $103,010 ($108,420 in Massachusetts).

Educational Consultant

Consultants work with students as they prepare to make transitions, such as from high school to college. They advise students about selecting the right college and prepare them for admission tests. Those who work in this field also need to obtain certification to work as a consultant. Indeed reports the national annual salary is $51,518.

Corporate Trainers

In this career field, educators develop training programs that help employees expand their knowledge and skills set. They conduct training sessions and may develop training materials, ensuring that everything complies with laws and regulations. Indeed reports the national average annual salary as $66,425.

Postsecondary Education Administrator

In this field, educators work as college and university administrators. They typically oversee individual academic departments or colleges and services such as admissions, registrar, and student services. Postsecondary education administrators make an annual salary of $115,200.

The Merrimack College Master’s of Education Program

Merrimack College offers programs for graduate students that prepare them for careers outside of the classroom. They include the Master of Education degree program that focuses specifically on preparing students to work in curriculum and instruction. For those who already hold a master’s degree, the school offers an online Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS) in Educational Leadership.

In the master’s degree program, students take core courses in Critical Issues in Education, Diversity & Social Justice, and Research Topics in Education. Students can choose to concentrate on curriculum and instruction in two areas: moderate disabilities or English as a Second Language (both with add-on licenses).

The online CAGS in Educational Leadership program offers those with a master’s degree the opportunity to further their education through courses that provide training designed for teachers, principals, district administrators, and other educators. The curriculum includes an exploration of current issues facing education in Massachusetts and across the country.

Graduates from both programs are ready for jobs both in and outside the classroom. With the variety of master’s degree in education jobs available, earning the degree is a smart career step for those who aspire to leadership roles in education.