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Why Choose Merrimack College To Earn A Master’s Degree 

September 13, 2018

There are many choices for educators looking to elevate their career by earning a master’s degree. More universities are offering graduate degrees for teachers. Sometimes it’s difficult to identify the quality schools.

Merrimack College offers advantages for teachers pursuing a degree in Massachusetts. They include the following:

Online Education 

Merrimack College offers master’s degree programs online. While there are other online programs out there, the programs at Merrimack College stand out. Merrimack focuses on producing graduates prepared for an educational career in Massachusetts, one of the top-performing states in the country for education.

Online programs at Merrimack offer the same rigor and interaction with world-class faculty as those offered in a traditional classroom, but they are convenient too. Classes can be taken anywhere. Coursework is scheduled around busy professional and personal lives.

Flexible Pace 

Merrimack College’s online M.Ed. and graduate teacher education programs use a flexible format for delivery. Within an eight-week term, students can move through the course according to their own schedule. For example, if you have more time during the first few weeks of the term but then have a big conference at the end of the term, then you can advance through your coursework such that you can get more accomplished earlier. As long as you are hitting your deadlines, you have flexibility as to how you schedule your time.

Teacher Education Program Specialists 

Every Merrimack College online M.Ed. student is assigned a Teacher Education Program Specialist (TEPS). TEPS work with students as they move through a degree program. Every step of the way, students have support. That includes working through challenging parts of a course, preparing for the Massachusetts Tests for Educational Licensure (MTEL), applying what you are learning to practical experience, and networking opportunities.

Aligned With State Standards 

The Merrimack College Master of Education program is aligned with the Massachusetts Professional Standards for Teachers. This commitment to state standards make graduates from Merrimack College programs attractive job candidates.

Experience and Tradition 

Merrimack College is a Catholic college in the Augustinian tradition. This means a focus on hospitality, community and the pursuit of truth.

Merrimack College offers an education grounded in liberal arts. Graduates receive a well-rounded education that includes critical and analytical thinking, a historical context for world events, and adaptability in a diverse, global community.

Choosing your school is a major decision. With decades of experience, Merrimack College has designed online education courses that work best for professionals who want to pursue their master’s degree in education.