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Should I go Back to School? Four Questions to Consider

April 12, 2021

Every adult learner considering returning to college has a unique story about why they did not finish their undergraduate degree. What unites them is the drive to complete what they started, reaping the personal and professional rewards that come with earning a college degree and adding it to their resume.

For those thinking about returning to college, it is easy to get lost in a cloud of questions.  Through the Bachelor Degree Completion program, Merrimack College faculty and staff  work with students who decide to go back to school and earn their college degree.

Along the way, certain questions recur frequently with potential students. How you answer these questions can help determine whether you are ready to return to college and complete your    degree.

Will a Degree Help me Reach my Goals?

A college degree can help you reach your goals.  Prospective students are often motivated by the idea of a promotion, earning a better salary, transitioning into a new career, feeling a sense of personal accomplishment,  or setting an example for their children.

The more tangible goals are easy to verify. For example, the U.S. Social Security Administration reports that a man earning a college degree will make $900,000 more over the course of his career than one without a degree. For women, that number is $630,000.

Can I Fit This Into my Schedule?

In the past, having the time to complete a degree may have been a major stopping point. Online learning has largely eliminated that issue. Merrimack College designs all its online programs to fit the needs of adult learners. Each one offers students great flexibility in how they pursue their degree, so students have more control of their schedule. They also benefit from learning modules offered in various formats, including smartphone-friendly segments. It’s never been more convenient to complete or earn a degree with Merrimack College.

Can I Afford the Cost of Tuition?

Tuition costs have been at the forefront of public debate for some time, but Merrimack’s Bachelor Degree Completion program has kept the cost of attendance low.  Merrimack makes it as easy as possible for students by offering a three-tier tuition cost model based on where a student is on their educational journey. In many cases, the cost to complete a bachelor’s degree is less than $10,000.

For students who would benefit from payment options, Merrimack offers an easy monthly tuition payment plan.

Do I Have a Good Support System?

A good support system is key to success, and Merrimack College faculty and staff work with students to ensure they get the support they need. That includes offering advice on how to set up a good learning environment in their home, best practices for time management, and identifying support systems in their lives.

Often, family and friends will offer their support when they see how serious you are about finishing your degree. If you share a living space, talk to those closest to you about your educational goals and let them know you will be creating a dedicated time and space for doing your schoolwork.

At Merrimack College, every student also works with a personal success coach who guides them through the program. That includes offering support on how to approach online learning, advice once they’ve started, and support in finding a tutor. The Merrimack College O’Brien Center for Career Development helps students find success after graduation through career advising, resume help, career fairs, mock interviews, internship programs and access to employers.

Online learners at Merrimack College can rest assured that we will be there to help remove these roadblocks and others encountered along the way. We help students answer “yes” to the question, “should I go back to college?”  With the benefits of earning a degree, it’s a commitment well worth making.